Getting Started with Inspection Data

All integration methods for inspection data find different ways to achieve one goal: get inspection results.

From those results, you can drive many different use cases. You can automate business processes to follow up on failures, or spin up PowerBI reporting on vehicles and inspection performance, or send PDF summaries to your customers.

Having inspection data from Record360 enables your apps to display your most recent activity in the easiest to-use-place for your users, keep them accountable, and allow your managers to see in-depth reporting of asset condition and inspection results.

Inspection Integration Methods

Pull data via Integration API

Use Integration API to pull inspection data on a regular schedule or lookup specific inspection history. Building an API integration is also useful if you save or reference inspection summaries, forms, media, and much more in your system or to drive inspection review experiences outside of Record360.

Accessible form links allow you to save your digital forms for future reference or quickly share with a customer. Also use the new share feature to get a pre-signed, temporary link that anyone can use to view an inspection, i.e., an easy, textable link!

Receive data via Inspection Webhook

Ditch your expensive poll process and use the Inspection webhook to automatically receive inspection data in real-time via our event-based architecture. Receive the exact same data as seen in the Integration API, and make additional API calls as needed to retrieve, save, or share forms and PDF summaries.

When to use a webhook?

Customers and partners use webhooks to update their own business system(s) or to launch a workflow. As records are uploaded to Record360, our server provides a notification that a new record was uploaded. Common use cases include:

  • Uploading completed inspections or inspection summaries into their business system β€” or storing the inspection ids for retrieval later, on-demand via Integration API.
  • Creating work orders in their business system when is damage is flagged in R360.
  • Updating their business system with the latest hours & fuel.
  • Updating their business system with the latest equipment status (e.g. out on rent, damaged, etc.)

Partner Integrations using Inspections

Most of our software partner support inspection data integrations using our legacy API. While there are subtle differences between that and the new Integration API, they all accomplish the same basic goal: getting inspection details out of the Record360. Each of these partners also supports various Unit integrations as well.

Legacy (v1) API

  • Karmak (service, rental, and sales)
  • Softbase
  • TSD
  • Idealease